#1 Diktat (Niveau B1/B2) Essen für die Tonne
Your task is to write down the text as accurately as possible.
Here's what you need to know:
When our lady says "Punkt", you write a full stop. (.)
If she mentions "Komma", you pen down a comma. (,)
Do you hear the word "Doppelpunkt"? Add a colon! (:)
When it goes "Ausrufezeichen", that means a loud and proud exclamation mark! (!)
When you hear the word "Gedankenstrich", put a dash. (–)
And finally, when you hear the lady say "nächster Abschnitt", start a new paragraph.
Here is the video:
And the cheat sheet where you can compare your written German with the original text:
I hope you did well! :)